Redistricting and Improving Schools

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Our first speakers were  from Better SF Public Schools. Jennifer Butterfoss and Patrick Wolff explained a proposed 2022 S.F. Charter amendment, which would improve San Francisco Public Schools by increasing qualifications for school board members and improving communication between the school board and City government departments.  You can listen to the audio from that meeting here:

Danielle Deibler  from the League of Women Voters explained the upcoming redistricting process. and how to take part.

Redistricting affects political power.  In San Francisco, redistricting determines who will appear on your ballot and what parts of the city they will represent. Redistricting can affect your community’s ability to elect a supervisor who represents your interests and responds to your needs. By participating in local redistricting, you, your neighbors, and your community can have a voice in San Francisco’s democracy.

You can listen to the audio portion of the meeting here:


See upcoming meetings