SHARP is donating a total of $52,800 to charitable organizations for the last half of 2017. The amount nearly doubles the $29,000 SHARP had contributed to charitable organizations since 2013. The new money is going to 17 organizations, most of which SHARP has supported before.
The recipients, with new ones italicized: are: (1) City Youth Now; (2) Family House; (3) Garden for the Environment; (4) Golden Gate Heights Neighborhood Association for (a) the improvement of Golden Gate Heights Park and (b) maintenance and security at the 16th Avenue Tiled Steps; (5) Golden Gate Philharmonic Youth Orchestra; (6) Good Samaritan Family Services; (7) Inner Sunset/Golden Gate Heights NERT for earthquake preparedness supplies; (8) Lava Mae; (9) Nature in the City; (10) Pangea Legal Services; (11) Redwood Credit Union’s North Bay fire relief fund; (12) San Francisco/Marin Food Bank; (13) San Francisco Parks Alliance for repair of Koret Playground, which was vandalized in June 2017; (14) Sunset Youth Services; (15) St.Anthony’s Foundation; (16) Sutro Stewards; and (17) Western Neighborhoods Association.
For more information about SHARP’s charitable donations, see the Grants page.