The San Francisco Symphony Orchestra’s All San Francisco Concert at Davies Hall will be held at 8 PM on Friday, September 15, 2017. Up to two tickets per household are available to paid-up SHARP members for $12 each.
We have only a limited number of tickets. Paid-up SHARP members may purchase up to two tickets per household through SHARP. Mail Concert Ticket form2017 and payment to SHARP, c/o 1661 7th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94122.
If your 2017 dues are already paid, thank you. If not, please renew at $10 per member or $20 per household. Please enclose a separate check for concert tickets: up to two per household at $12 each. More tickets may become available. Please indicate how many additional tickets you would like to purchase if they are available. We will get back to you on that. Please enclose your name, address, phone, and e-mail.