Christmas Lunch and Local Hero Awards
Sunday, December 29, 2013
SHARP held its annual Christmas lunch and honored Harold Gilliam and Eric McHuron with its first “Local Hero” awards.
Carla Kozak on the 90-second Newberry Festival; Lorri Ungaretti on the history of the Sunset
Monday, November 25, 2013
Author of three books on the history of the Sunset, Lorri Ungaretti returned to SHARP with more historical accounts, stories, and photos (including “then and now” shots). Carla Kozak, a librarian with the San Francisco Public Library, spoke about the upcoming 90-Second Newbery Festival, a program of 90-second films about children’s books that have won the Newberry Medal. S.H.A.R.P. has contributed $1,000 to help fund the festival.
Carmen Chu; sewer system improvements; Independence High School
Monday, October 28, 2013
Carmen Chu, San Francisco’s Assessor/Recorder and an unopposed candidate for re-election, described the functions of her office. Two representatives from SF Water Power Sewer described the planned improvement of the sewer system on Sunset Boulevard. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2016. Independence High School is newly relocated on 7th Avenue between Irving and Judah. Principal Robert Maass described the school’s supervised independent study and diverse student body.
Fall ballot measures: Propositions A-D
Monday, September 30, 2013
Supervisor Mark Farrell (District 2) spoke in favor of Proposition A (funding of city retiree health benefits). John Baldo spoke in favor of Proposition D (proposed policy declaration that city will seek to reduce drug prices). We then heard a debate on Propositions B and C (proposed development at 8 Washington St.).
Obamacare in California
Monday, August 26, 2013
We heard a presentation and saw a video on how Obamacare (the Affordable Health Care Act, or AHA) will work in California.
Republican and Green Parties; Sidewalk Gardens
Monday, July 29, 2013
We heard from Matt Shupe, Executive Director of the San Francisco Republican Party, and from Barry Hermanson, Green Party candidate for Congress. We also learned how you can make a bit of your sidewalk into a garden. Great idea! The Department of Public Works has the information. For an example of the finished product, go here.
SF’s Democratic Party; Recology’s rate increases
Monday, June 24, 2013
We heard from Mary Jung, Chairperson of the San Francisco Democratic Party. On the Recology rate increases, we heard from Paul Giusti from Recology and Nancy Wuerfel, a Parkside resident who has closely followed this issue. DID YOU KNOW? You can decrease your bill from what it was by reducing the size of your black bin to 20 gallons (information).
Supervisor Scott Wiener, and “Nextdoor”
Monday, February 25, 2013
Whether you agree or disagree with him on the issues, Supervisor Wiener (District 8) is knowledgeable, well-spoken, and an influential voice at City Hall. Lee Tsu introduced us to Nextdoor, a free private social network organized by neighborhood. Once you sign up, you can post your own messages, see messages from others, and post responses. A message might be a request for a recommendation for a haircutter, a notification of a neighborhood meeting, or an announcement of a yard sale. As of mid-October 2013, nearly 400 persons belonged to the Inner Sunset network at Nextdoor. As of August 2014, the figure was 846.
Supervisor Norman Yee; the Hidden Garden Steps
Monday, January 28, 2013
Newly elected Supervisor Norman Yee (District 7) spoke about how he will approach the job. He will concentrate on pedestrian safety. We also got a progress report on the Hidden Garden Steps, the staircase beautification project on 16th Avenue between Kirkham and Lawton. SHARP has contributed $1,000 to the effort and will have a tiled step with its name on it.